The gingerbread house is done and on display at the museum. Ahhhh - it feels so nice.
We had a fun time trying to make a gingerbread version of the photo of the house at left, taken on my trip to Vermont a month ago. David did an excellent job with the archetectural and structural drawings. I put some walls together wrong and that necessitated redoing some of the roof pieces. Altogether we used 18 batches of gingerbread and over 20 of icing. I think it turned out okay. We put a light inside so you can see the furniture and Christmas tree inside. Of course there is a manger scene in the front yard and David is very proud of the Santa Sleigh and Reindeer he found to put on the roof.

One side of the house has a 2nd floor balcony - far left - and the other side has a covered porch. There is a dog house and puppy, of course. Shanalee named the dog "Jolly" but I forgot to write his name on his house - oops. I'm proud of the idea of a deciduous tree with a bucket hanging from it for collecting syrup. Probably the wrong time of year for maple syruping, but it just fit with Vermont.

The back of the house has a covered porch the whole width of the house and in the back yard we added a skating pond and sledding hill. Notice the bunny on the frozen pond and the fox watching him. A little added drama!

This picture was taken at 1:30 am Thursday morning. I only had a few details to finish before we took it in for display Thursday afternoon. It was a fun house to make and I really appreciate David, Kyle and Brett and all the help they gave me this year. Thank you - thank you.