March has been all about grandkids. My dad had his birthday in March and his grandkids (my kids) helped him celebrate. Also in March my grandkids were here a lot. Tammie and Abbie came to stay a week and Shanalee, Josh and their boys came for a few days. Of course Kyle's family and Brett's family were in and out all the time. It was all so much fun! Baby Clark was a great attraction with the other little ones, and Abbie enjoyed playing with Elden, James and Mark too. Elden and Abbie discovered the empty office cupboards and Mark and Elden loved sitting on the back of the sofa to watch DVDs Abbie likes to ham it up for the camera just like her mom used to. Here are "happy", "sad", and "surprised". all the kids like book readings and the boys even listened to Josh teach the FHE lesson!We did all kinds of fun things. I could have blogged another 30 photos. Sometimes we had a "mad" house, but it was great!
Yesterday in a Court of Honor, David was awarded his WoodBadge bead. He has been working on his wood badge over the past year and a half. Good Job David! This past week end, Leslie and Brett were in charge of our Stake's Dance festival. They organized the Wards into four groups and arranged for them to learn four different dances and perform them for the stake. A youth dance then followed. It turned out real nice. Brett and Leslie taught the country two step and they also performed it with their group. Abigail and Mark enjoyed dancing too, and Abigail also wanted to dance with James. That took some help from the adults.
We have a family of piano players! Todd is taking a piano class at BYUI and for that class he needed to have a piano recital with at least 6 adults in attendance. So, we just decided to have a family piano recital. Lots of the family participated, but David didn't have time to prepare anything. :( Even the little ones got involved. I specially enjoyed Elden's rendition of "My donkey's gray". His HeeHaws were great! Everyone did a very good job. I am impressed with Todd's playing. This class has been great for him. The audience was good too, though the photographer was a bother at times.
Todd and Bethany are in Dance Alliance at BYUI. They put on their big show - the one they will take on tour this spring - for the school this past weekend. David and I went to see it on Friday. I really wish I could have gotten some pictures during the dances. They did such a nice job. These photos were taken after the show. Todd and Bethany were both in a lot of the dances and even danced together in some. The whole show was high energy and thought provoking. Excellent Job Todd and Bethany!
Clark Abram was born almost 1 month ago though he wasn't due until the 20th of March. He spent his first 2 weeks in the NICU and the Simmons' family (after Shanalee got out of the hospital) spent that time here at our house because we are closer to the hospital then their house is and because they needed someone to be with Elden while they spent lots of time at the hospital. It was a hectic but very enjoyable 2 weeks. Now we are happy to announce that Clark, and his family, are all home and doing well. Beautiful baby. Beautiful mother. Beautiful grandkids. Beautiful family. We are truly blessed.