We started out the Christmas season this year with a "Journey to Bethlehem" Ward party. David was the tax collector (food for the I.F. Food Bank) and I was the tax collector's wife. (go figure) Josh and family came with us. It was a fun night as we visited different food stalls in Bethlehem and saw the angels and shepherds and wisemen. We even saw the Babe in the manger. The best part was that the party was on Dad's birthday so the tax collector's stall was decorated black.

Then we went to hear Addie's class Christmas program. She really gets into the singing. She even had a special roll in the song "I'm getting nothin' for Christmas". She got to open a gift and make a sad face when she found nothing in it. Kyle played the piano for them.

Of course we made chocolates. This year I taught a friend, Malane Anderson, how to make and dip candy. Shanalee came and joined in too. With three dippers, we kept Dad and Malane's husband very busy melting chocolate. Shanalee and I both tried some new centers and they are yummy! Yesterday Malane brought me a box of chocolates she made and dipped at home this week. They were very good. I must be a good teacher. :)

This year I also taught a group of 9 ladies (and several of their daughters) how to make rock nativities. I called them the "rock stars" and we had a great time gluing, breaking, reglueing, painting, breaking, reglueing etc etc. Above is a picture of my counter on the day we resined the finished sets.

I made the rock nativity set this year for Bethany, and on the day I presented it to her, she and Todd presented this beautiful nativity set from the Phillipines to me. It is really pretty. I think I got the better of the deal. (Thanks Todd and Bethany)