Familes are like fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts

New babies are arriving

This is little Caleb David, newborn son of Tiffany and Kyle. He was born today, June 23rd at 2:16 PM.
He weighed 7lbs.12 oz and has a light sandy color hair.
Tiffany and Caleb are both doing well.
What a sweet family! Congratulations.

MiKell had her baby, Wendy Larae, yesterday June 22. I don't have any photos yet since I'm here and Wendy is in Utah. As soon as I get photos I will post them. Go to MiKell's blog to see her photos.


  1. Thanks for posting so I could see pictures today. He is a cute boy and it looks like he has a round (intelligent) head kind of like Elden.

  2. How blessed are you to be welcoming all of this beautiful new babies. They are adorable. Now you just have one more to wait for. Hope it is soon for Tammie's sake.
