This past week, Rob, Tammie, Abigail, Shanalee, Josh, and Elden came for a visit. It was so nice to have them here. We did a bit of playing and bit of work (sorting in the basement). We celebrated

Rob's 28th birthday and Addisons 5th birthday. We also had a recital at Great grandpa's house on Saturday which included performances by Katelyn, Addison, Elden, Mark, Hailey, Kyle, Tammie, David and Me.

Abigail is getting cuter by the minute. It won't be long before she decides to crawl. Don't you love her big blue eyes?

Elden discovered that the empty bottom shelf of the entertainment center was just his size.

He also discovered the giant soccer ball bean bag that Charlie uses for a bed. One afternoon he started saying "soccer ball" from the other room. We thought he had found a soccer ball and so told him to bring it to us.

After much tugging and grunting he appeared in the family room pulling the big bean bag. He loved the "soccer ball" and spent as much time in it as Charlie did.