Familes are like fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts

Our families version of the Nativity Story

Our family did a traveling FHE for the great grandparents. We went to their houses and among other things performed the nativity story. Katelyn was the beautiful Mary. Zachary played Joseph and asked all the right questions. Caleb was a very robust newborn baby Jesus. David was the donkey as in years past and still does a very good job of it. Josh and todd were the innkeepers.

Addison was the angel and did a heavenly job. MiKell and Leslie were the shepherds, and Wendy and Mark were the sheep, though Mark was quite the wandering sheep. Abigail was the star and did a sparkling job. The wisemen were Eric, Elden and Hailey who had a hard time following the star unless their dads were their to help. And, Tiffany was the stork. Yes, we are aware there is no stork in the Bible story, but we required one for our story. They all did a super good job!!!

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